Measuring the Effectiveness of Chemistry Augmented Reality Software on Students' Learning with a Focus on the Concept of Catalysts

Document Type : Original research


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A., Department of Educational management, Faculty of Education and Psychology, shahid Beheshti University, Tehran


The purpose of this study was to measuring the effectiveness of chemistry augmented reality software on students' learning with a focus on the concept of catalysts. the statistical population was all ninth grade students in Tehran. In order to determine the sample size from the multi-stage random cluster sampling method, class A of the ninth grade of Mesbah Alam School in District 3 was selected. Students' learning was then assessed based on Bloom's cognitive pyramid at six levels using a fixed group and a pre-test and post-test design. The results showed that the use of augmented reality in six levels of learning by Bloom increased the learning rate of students. This increase in the last two levels of Bloom's classification, which includes evaluation (pre-test 3.43 and post-test 4.56) and creation (pre-test 3.40 and post-test 4.60), is greater than the other four levels of knowledge (pre-test 4.50 and post-test 4.90), Learning (pre-test 4.13 and post-test 4.83), application (pre-test 3.76 and post-test 4.43) and analysis (pre-test 3.96 and post-test 4.56). Therefore, augmented reality as a new technology can be used to enhance students' learning at higher cognitive levels in chemistry and its use is recommended.
