Investigating the Misconceptions of Second -round High School Students in the Concepts of Mole and Atomic Mass

Document Type : Original research


Chemistry student, Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


As students move toward education with a set of beliefs from childhood, understanding how students learn can help teachers formulate effective teaching strategies. Chemistry is one of the most important branches of science that allows learners to understand what is happening around them. Because chemistry topics are generally related to the structure of matter, chemistry is a difficult subject for many students. Therefore, in this article, an attempt has been made to investigate one of the most common misconceptions of high school students with the concept of atomic mass and the causes of these misconceptions in this study. This article has been written by designing a questionnaire including 10 four-choice questions and providing it to students in Qazvin and Hamedan provinces virtually. Based on the results, it was estimated that most students have a misunderstanding of the concept of atomic mass and moles and have not fully learned these concepts, and this may lead to several mistakes in solving chemistry problems. Therefore, by conducting this research, an attempt was made to identify students' misconceptions so that teachers, while teaching, can choose strategies that minimize such misconceptions.
