Investigate the Challenges and Providing Solutions to Improve Online Chemistry Education by Implementing the Teacher-assistant Project

Document Type : Original research


1 Chemistry Teacher, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of science, Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Tehran, Iran


The threat posed by the Corona virus provided a good opportunity to address technological education in universities and schools. This study was conducted to investigate the challenges and to provide solutions to improve online e-learning and its impact on students' academic achievement during the COVID-19 virus disease era of educational centers by implementing the Teacher-assistant project. The study sample used the form of teaching activities in the online classroom, the item of observing the practical activities of the teacher and members of the educational groups. With the help of a group of students and teachers of chemistry, online education was studied and explored from different aspects. In this study, the challenges and perspectives of online education became more apparent. The data obtained from the research were then summarized and analyzed in a coherent manner and suggestions were made in accordance with each challenge. It is important that e-learning can play an effective role even in face-to-face classes, along with increase participation. Active students, producing a variety of electronic content, increasing the enthusiasm and interest of learners, increase parental satisfaction, how to manage online classroom, improve online learning process, increase interaction in e-learning, increase teacher efficiency and provide internships in a new way with very good results.
