The Content Analysis of Tenth Grade Chemistry Textbook (Chapter One) Based on William Romey and Shannon Entropy Techniques

Document Type : Original research


1 Department of chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present study was to content analysis of tenth grade chemistry textbook  based on William Romey and Shanon Entropy techniques. This research is an applied research and in terms of implementation is descriptive and content analysis. The first chapter of the tenth grade chemistry book published in 2016 in terms of text, image and practice dimensions based on William Romey and Shannon entropy techniques has been studied. The findings showed that involvement with text and images was 0.38 and activities was 4.5. In other words, the text and images are inactive, while the activities at the end are more active. Using the Shannon entropy, it was found that the attention to (c) in the text was higher than the other categories; The coefficient of significance of category (a) in non-written content is higher than that of other categories; the active categories with the four indices have the highest coefficient of significance (0.116) over the inactive and neutral categories; the highest coefficient of significance is related to the inactive index a (0.52).
