Reviewing the Tenth Chemistry Book Based on Scientific Texts and a Survey of Chemistry Teachers

Document Type : Original research


Chemistry teacher, Isfahan, Iran


Nowadays, chemistry is recognized as a comprehensive and widely used knowledge in all areas of life, and the progress and evolution of many sciences as well as modern industries are somehow related to this science and therefore, learning chemistry is essential for talented and interested students. As a result, it is necessary to write chemistry high school textbooks carefully enough to fix its problems. This paper has a critical look on tenth chemistry book written in the educational research and planning organization on. In this research, some of the strengths and weaknesses of the book have been addressed by using educational theories in teaching chemistry as well as scientific resources in the different branches of chemistry, as well as collecting the results of a survey of a number of chemistry teachers. In this research, we have focused on the main presupposition of the problem, i.e. the use of appropriate scientific and educational content, and in order to improve the scientific level and provide more educational goals, a review and critique of the tenth chemistry written in the Educational Research and Planning Organization has been done. In a part of this research, using the principles and techniques of education in a survey research, 160 colleagues of chemistry teachers working in three provinces of the country with more than 8 years of experience were surveyed. The statistical population of teachers participating in completing the questionnaire was extracted by province, gender and type of response.
