The Need to Evaluation of Undergraduate Chemistry Curricula for Overcoming the Global Challenges Inspired by the Coveid-19 Pandemic

Document Type : Review article


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


In the last year, the Covid-19 pandemic has provided the opportunity to use new educational methods, analyzing the teaching-learning processes, increasing the quality of learning, and adopt new methods of the world's educational systems. The global experience of the last year with Covid-19 disease and the uncertain prospect of finding a quick cure suggests that it is not easy to go back to the old way of life and education. Therefore, there is a need to design and implement new teaching and learning methods. These learning goals should be guided by analyzing the existing global challenges and the methods needed to address them and by the frameworks that provide knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This article through reviewing the published literature about changing chemical education approaches describes a set of competencies in three dimensions of crosscutting reasoning, core understandings, and fundamental practices.  These approaches can be used to design, implement and evaluate chemistry curricula, teaching approaches. And evaluation to be used in the chemistry courses in science and engineering. The main form of argument described in this paper is the system thinking that students must develop to study and understand complex global systems and phenomena.
