An Overview of the Use of Information Technology and Educational Technology in Learning Chemistry with Emphasis on Sites and most Widely Used Software in Chemistry

Document Type : Review article


1 Department of Science, Farhangiyan University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Student of Chemistry Education, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


      In the age of sensitive diseases such as corona virus, the need for distance education is felt more than ever. Therefore, the use of information and communication technology is a new and solid way to teach and learn study courses. Especially for chemistry as an abstract course where using a variety of software is a big step towards a lasting understanding of difficult concepts. Virtual (electronic) education provides the most up-to-date methods of chemistry learning in accordance with the new educational principles in the field of world education. Utilizing the experiences and strategies to improve the quality of teaching and learning of researchers can smooth the educational process and provide the ground for further growth and promotion of technology. In this article, with the aim of reviewing data related to information and communication technology and e-learning and introducing educational software in chemistry course along with their advantages, goals and disadvantages, which have been done by literature analysis method, background and research results Examples of research works on their educational applications in chemistry education were discussed. The method of study is searching in persian databases and reviewing articles, books and dissertations related to chemistry education, and at the end, suggestions for improving e-learning are presented.
