Assessing the Knowledge Required by Novice Chemistry graduates of Farhangian University to Teach Sciences in the first round of High School

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study is to identify the knowledge needed by new chemistry graduates to teach experimental sciences in the first round of high school in terms of content knowledge, in both desirable and existing situations by providing a suitable framework for the content components of thematic knowledge in the field of experimental sciences. In conducting research through descriptive evaluation method by collecting information using tests to assess thematic knowledge, research questions have been answered. The results of this study showed that novice teachers in various educational levels face problems in the field of subject knowledge. Due to the breadth of thematic and content knowledge of science curricula, it is required that the curricula of Farhangian University be in line with the science curricula and also to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, in supporting graduates by creating a site and training. Online and face-to-face service as a support for the teaching profession to complement the university education, creating a relevant scientific-specialized field in Farhangian University is another solution that is offered to policy makers and decision makers.
