Investigation of the Components of Professional Competence of Chemistry Teachers in Research-oriented Schools by DACUM Method

Document Type : Original research


Department of science, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran


Identifying and prioritizing professional competencies in the field of teaching with the aim of improving the level of professional skills of teachers can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of education. Meanwhile, teaching in research-oriented schools is of special importance due to the important role of these schools in fostering a thinking, creative and responsible generation, as well as the position of these schools in the set of programs under the research subsystem and evaluation of the document of fundamental transformation of education. Enjoy. In this study, the dimensions and components of the professional competence of chemistry teachers in research-oriented schools were determined by the DACUM method and a questionnaire was developed to confirm it. The validity of the questionnaire was obtained according to the professors of educational sciences and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.87. The statistical sample of the study included 40 people specializing in chemistry, teaching and research. Collection of questionnaire and data analysis with SPSS software and one-sample t-test showed that six components include research promotion with five indicators, facilitation of research with three indicators, leadership with two indicators, teaching with three indicators, evaluation with four Indicators and professional interactions with three indicators are essential for a chemistry teacher to teach in research-oriented schools.
