The Steps of Doing a Good Research Work: Some Strategies for Novice Teachers and Chemistry Education Student Teachers

Document Type : Editorial


Department of science, Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran


Doing research and publishing its results has always been a concern of researchers in various fields, including chemistry education. In Iran, chemistry education is a nascent field and, related research is insignificant. On the other hand, it is not dynamics enough. In other branches of chemistry, research work is done at the graduate level. But in recent years, student teachers and chemistry teachers have tended to do research work and publish the results in the form of research articles. Since the steps for doing the research work and writing its obtained results in the form of a research article are different from what is done in review and conference papers. Therefore, in this editorial, an attempt has been made to briefly discuss the main components of a research paper, including the topic selection, research questions, and method, which can be helpful for chemistry students and new teachers interested in doing research.
