An Overview of the Importance of Laboratory and Experiment-Based Chemistry Education

Document Type : Review article


1 Department of Science, Farhangiyan University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Student of Chemistry Education, Department of Science, Farhangian University, Tabriz, Iran


Experimenting is one of the ways to learn the principles and general results of science that can make students think, discuss and draw conclusions, and ultimately learn. Chemical experiments making students understand. It is a solid way to maintain the visual teaching process and principles to advance the educational goals in chemistry as deeply as possible. Experimentation has a very high status in chemistry education and considering its benefits and effects will cover all the shortcomings of abstract chemistry education. Understanding students in many topics in chemistry textbooks guarantees adequate attention and intelligent implementation of the guidelines of each experiment to learn more and deeper topics . In this article, with the aim of reviewing the materials related to the laboratory and teaching chemistry based on experiments, along with their advantages, goals and disadvantages, which has been done by literature analysis method, background and research results, and by bringing examples of research works to applications was dealt with in chemistry training. The study method is searching Persian databases and reviewing articles, books and dissertations related to chemistry education. Finally, suggestions are made for the widespread use of laboratories in schools to improve chemistry education.
