Teaching VSEPR Rule and Predicting the Geometric Shapes of Molecules Using IBSE Modeling

Document Type : Activity


Department of Science, Farhangian University, Ahvaz, Iran


This article describes and analyzes an educational experience related to teaching the geometric shape of molecules and the VSEPR rule using IBSE modeling (Inquiry-Based Science Education) and has a qualitative approach. In this article, the author tries to mention her lived teaching experience to introduce a simple modeling activity, which in addition to increasing the variety of educational activities designed to teach the geometric shape of molecules, is a stimulus to discuss ideas beyond the "octet rule. As a result of this handwork, a greater and better understanding of the covalent bond and geometric shape of molecules is obtained for the learner without the need to memorize the material and the formula. Also, low cost, easy access to the necessary tools and materials, psychological approach, attention to individual differences and different learning styles, attracting the audience's attention, etc. are the advantages of this method.
