Study of the Strengths and Weakness of Chemistry Textbook of Tenth Grade from the Teachers' Point of View

Document Type : Original research


1 Chemistry Teacher, Baghbahadoran, Isfahan, Iran

2 Chemistry Teacher, Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran


Textbooks have a very important role in students’ understanding and their learning and analyzing them from different points of view is essential and necessary. In this way, teachers can be very helpful and their experiences may be considered as a reliable source to improve textbooks. The goal of this article is investigating the first high school chemistry textbook and trying to find it’s pros and cons from the teachers’ point of view. This book is newly published and probably its pros and cons has not been analyzed, so investigating about this book’s challenges seems necessary. In order to conduct this research, a questionnaire was provided to the chemistry teachers and the results were analyzed. The results show some disadvantages (such as heavy and content dispersion) and advantages (such as close relation with real life) which is presented in the following. Also, some suggestions will be mentioned to improve the efficiency of this educational book and enhance the students’ learning.
