Comparison of the Effectiveness of Gagne and Briggs Educational Design Patterns with 5E on the Learning Process of Chemistry

Document Type : Original research


Department of Chemistry, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The widespread applications of chemistry and its role in human societies have led to its effective teaching in schools and universities. This study seeks to find a more effective model for students to better understand concepts and principles from existing educational approaches and considering the importance of thinking in the teaching and learning process from two thought-based approaches namely cognition (Ganye and Briggs pattern) and Constructivism (5E pattern) has been used and its effectiveness on learning the principles and concepts of the elements of classification of elements contained in the 9th year Experimental Science book has been compared. This research is a quasi-experimental study. Sixty ninth grade students were selected from among the public girls' schools of education in Mallard, using multistage cluster sampling method. Data gathering tool was a researcher-made test whose validity was confirmed by experts in the field and its reliability was measured by SPSS22 software and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained at 0.78. In this study, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to obtain the results and they found that the E5-based instructional design was more effective in learning learners' principles than the Ganye and Briggs pattern.
